WWW Wednesday is a book meme run by Taking on a World of Words.

Each week we’re asked three questions –

  • What are you currently reading?
  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What do you think you’ll read next?


What are you currently reading?

I’m almost done with Wolf Hall. Should be ready for a review on that in the next few days. I’m digging it, but I dig most things set in that era. Confession : I would have finished it (and other things) sooner if I hadn’t wasted a ton of time watching The Tudors on Netflix while being unable to sleep. I should be channeling my insomnia more effectively.

I’ve also just started up Infinite Jest for the Infinite Winter readalong. This one will be on my “currently reading” list for the duration of the event, which ends in May. It’s only 75 pages a week, so it’s a huge chunk of time to just digest and savor. I’ve never made it past page 150 before, so I’m stoked to work through it with other readers!

Finally, I’m plugging away on Frankenstein, which is really not what I expected thanks to a literal century of Hollywood interference. It’s short, satisfies a few of my challenges, and I should be done with that… maybe tonight? If I’m really motivated and don’t allow Showtime to devour me.

What did you recently finish reading?

I think this might be my smallest finish list ever. Just Tess of the D’Urbervilles

I did a monthly Shelf Status a few days ago though, in case you’re itching to hear my incredibly important thoughts on everything I read in January. Click it. Do it.

What do you think you’ll read next?

Alright. Can we talk about my horrible visit to the used book store yesterday? I know it’s not really their fault that they don’t have exactly what I want, but I didn’t expect to strike out that hard. Literally no Brandon Sanderson, no Terry Pratchett. None of the Krakauer books that I wanted to pick up, nor any other non-fiction title I wanted. Same goes for FebruaryBooksmost of the more recent things I wanted (which was shocking). I was ready to go with $48 in my pocket and ended up with only four things – Dune MessiahCatcher in the RyeThe Magicians, and Bring up the Bodies.

I guess it wasn’t a terrible haul, but I had expected to find at least a few more things. The Discworld books being completely sold out irked me the most. Apparently someone had just bought all of them. I asked a guy on duty about the shelf that had a huge, obvious gap, thinking maybe there was just a display or something somewhere else. Nope. All sold. Boo.

So in short, I’m not really sure what I’m going to read next. Probably Dune Messiah, since I read the original Dune a year ago now and I’ve been meaning to snatch up a few sequels ever since.