Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly book meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookishtoptentuesday

This Week’s Topic :  Your Top Ten Recent 5 Star Reads

Book reviewing is interesting. You read a lot, and you enjoy a lot of what you read, but you can’t just give everything five stars. Not everything is perfect, not everything can be among the pantheon of best things you’ve ever read.

I’ve been trying to think harder about my ratings when I go to review books. A year ago if you looked at my Goodreads I think my average review score was a 4.6. Not especially helpful, right? Everything is the best ever!

But you know what, some things are. Some things are phenomenal enough to move you and make you feel like you’ve said goodbye to a friend once the reading is over. And here are the last 10 books that I gave that designation to :

  1. Blankets by Craig Thompson – a graphic novel about growing up and first love in rural Wisconsin amidst a religious family and choices about life.
  2. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling – the book that kicked off the entire saga of the Boy Who Lived.
  3. The Color Purple by Alice Walker – two sisters navigate their lives and families in the midst of abuse, missionary work, and the 1930s South.
  4. Between the World and Me – Ta-Nehisi Coates – a letter from a father to his son about race, history, and the black experience.
  5. Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow – the most complete biography of a founding father with a fascinating life of success, scandal, and tragedy.
  6. Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi – graphic novel about life in early 1980s Iran, when everything began to change
  7. Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke – a tale of England’s two practicing magicians, and how they influenced war, culture, and the entire country.
  8. The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson – a serial killer, a murder hotel, and a festival that defined a city.
  9. Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer – the tale of tragedy on Everest, and what drives people to climb.
  10. The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood – a dystopian future where women’s bodies are in no way their own.